Thursday, May 29, 2008

Road tripping

On Tuesday, May 20th we hopped in the car at 5:45AM and headed west. While the car ride was still a novelty, Fazal did very well. We drove through New York, the southern-most part of Ontario, Canada, and then on to Michigan.
Some 15 hours later, our first stopover was visiting some friends in western Michigan: Joe, who is from the same area as Jafred in Kenya and his delightful wife, Myra. We absolutely loved meeting them and staying in their home. It was fun to compare notes about the USA and Kenya....You made us feel like family!!! We are sorry we had such a short visit and did not meet the rest of your family, Myra, but next time!! Best wishes with all your upcoming, newlywedded adventures!! Lots of hugs from all of us....

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Home again

We are finally home from a wonderful 8-day roadtrip vacation and have lots of photos to share, so stay tuned for pictures and stories over the next week or so....

Saturday, May 17, 2008

One Man Band

Fazal's is a one man band! He just loves his instruments. We hope it is the beginning of lots of musical adventures for him! (Don't worry about the coughing fit at the end, he's fine) :0) Enjoy!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

News: Baha'i Leaders in Iran Arrested

Please go to the link on the right side of our blog titled "The Baha'i World News" and read of the sad news that seven prominent Baha'is in Iran have been arrested and imprisoned in a new wave of persecution against the Bahai community, the largest religious minority in that country. Please keep these long-suffering people in your prayers.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Makeshift Family Portraits

We have found that we don't get many opportunities to take photos of all three of us. This one isn't perfect but it was the best of the ones we tried taking with the hold-it-out-at-arms-length-and-try-to-aim-in-the-general-direction strategy.

Baba and baba jr.
Me and my snuggle-bug
Yes, indeed, Fazal is teaching us how to neaten up and organize as he pulls himself up on everything he can reach and knock to the ground. oh boy! we are really running these days!
He loves to try to stand and every day he needs a little less help.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Mother's Day Gift

Fazal's mother's day gift to me - sleeping through the night!!!
Hooray! (It's been almost 6 months...) He slept from 8:30pm to 6:30am and I woke up feeling like a million bucks.
In other news, he eats almost anything these days, pulls himself up to standing with ease, crawls like mad, and has 5 teeth.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

A family visit

Last weekend we had a nice brief visit with Karen, Tom and Bella. Then a nice surprise was that Em and Cedric could join us for dinner too! It is so nice to have family close by. You can see that Fazal got plenty of loving attention from his aunt, uncle and cousins.

Friday, May 02, 2008

A Proud Day

Thursday was an exciting evening as the Isenberg School of Business at the University of Massachusetts, where Jafred is enrolled, awarded scholarships at a nice banquet. He was allowed to invite two guests and so Christina and her dad (Jafred's father-in-law) and Fazal (okay he's a whole person but somehow they let him slip in :-) ) were able to attend. It was a proud moment for us all! Good job Jafred!!!

Jafred and some of the other students awarded scholarships.
Fazal was sooo proud he gave his smart daddy a big hug!
Waiting for the dinner to begin, Fazal took a short snooze.
Fazal spent a lot of time with his grandpa so his mom & dad could relax and enjoy the program. Yay!
