Friday, July 31, 2009
A photo of our first harvest! A tomato and a giant pile of swiss chard.
(Our dinner last night!) It sure is wonderful to eat what we've grown ourselves.
Fazal after helping in the garden. You can see all the mud on him! He works sooo hard all the time and takes it very seriously.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
July 2009
Fazal's favorite things this summer: lawnmowers (called "ma-moe") and swimming pools. He is very active from sun up to sun down. He loves swimming now and is very comfortable in the water. But if no pool is available, he's also happy with a hose, a faucet, or even just some rain! But when he wakes up in the morning, his first request is a ride on the "ma-moe"!
Monday, July 20, 2009
A few more of Rhode Island
At the house where we stayed, there was this cool spiral staircase going up to the roof. From up top, we could see the water on a few sides and even fireworks on July 4th. (I admit I was so tired by the time they started I watched them from the couch inside the house :-) but others went up.) Fazal didn't really get that it was so different, and I worried a lot while going up and down.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Wednesday, July 08, 2009
Photos especially for Patty and Jonathan
Thank you Patty and Jonathan for sending Fazal, some time ago, a box of pretty cool-cat clothes. When I showed him the chickens and eggs on the red shirt (which maybe you made Patty?) he would not take it off. Everytime he heard the chickens cluck next door, he'd proudly point to his shirt :-) Can you take it? CAN YOU TAKE IT?!