Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Getting to Know My Roots

Fazal manages to have a Boston Red Sox hat (baseball) and New England Patriots jacket (American football) even though we watch neither of these sports in our house!! HEY! He's a kid from Massachusetts....but don't worry, dear Kenyan friends and relatives, not all is lost - he already knows how to kick a soccer ball pretty well :-)

Monday, September 29, 2008

I love mud!

My mom says I am a little muddy. In fact she picked me up clutching paper towels. I don't know what the big deal is, I was having so much fun!

Yes, indeed we have to enjoy the nice weather while it lasts. We have already had some below 40 degree nights, so we know winter is coming, so we are trying to get outside and enjoy the fall weather before the cold comes. It has been raining a lot here, so the ground is really wet....which Fazal thinks is perfect...but means going outside is a major undertaking!

Can I do your mud makeup too?
Here's my toothpaste! I am sure it is my teeth that you want to clean...
Post-bath....Can't you tell I am tired already! I need a nap NOW!

Monday, September 08, 2008

My New Hat

We can't decide if it says Irish Soccer Fan, or Countryside Farmer, or Cigar Smoking Newspaper Man...

My Mess/Project/Game

Today's to-do while mom cooked dinner.... How much potting soil can I unload with salad tongs?
Dude, and this rolling pin makes SO much noise, it's awesome when I drop it on the floor.

Friday, September 05, 2008

Happy 1st Birthday Fazal!

Hard to believe a whole year has gone by...
Here's a picture from now --

Here's a picture from his first few weeks --
His birthday present to us is that he is now sleeping through the nights!! YAY!!!!
Our birthday present to him had to be "special ordered" and will arrive in February...

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

More good times from vacation

Not only did we get lots of beach time in Maine, we also got to see our dear friends Perrin, Shane and Mia, as well as Perrin's mom who was visiting from far away!
Here are the dads and their kiddos. Mia is 6 months older than Fazal, totally adorable, and a live wire!
Then with moms...
Can't see this too well, but for those of you who know Perrin's mom, she's on the right.
Too bad this didn't come out a little better, their expressions were cute!
Self-explanatory happiness!
This is one of Fazal's more dramatic and less inviting faces, the one he uses when he's really not getting his way.

Fazal and Shane!

A sweet mother-daughter picture

On a different note, I am really walking well these days! I prefer walking to crawling for sure. I am also getting better at turning corners, turning around, and getting up even when my hands are full. Walking is an art that I still have to master, but I am doing my best!

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Want to know a bit more about the Baha'i Faith?

Then check out www.bahai.org for all kinds of good information.

Monday, September 01, 2008

The Evolution of Swimwear

There's just nothing like soft sand, a few sea shells, and low tide puddles of water for a fun afternoon...
I dare you to make me leave....
Ummm, sir, in the United States we have laws governing the appropriateness of nudity in public places...
Hope no one is standing behind me!!
Baba and Fazal had a blast - Baba would dig a big hole, Fazal would climb into it, Baba would dig another hole, Fazal would scale the wall and descend into the next hole, and so on and so on...mama sat lazily by not doing much but holding the camera.

Way too cool...

The guys before we headed to the beach...will Fazal really put up with wearing a hat and sunglasses, you ask? Well, at first he hated the sunglasses, but now we think he feels cool in them so he wears them without complaint. The hat is another story, that thing is flung off his head many times, so how often he wears it depends on how energetic his parents are feeling...

Did ja miss me?